

I have been battling a constant struggle between myself and my photography for the past eight years. Never making that jump to make it something more, to push my limits, to create, to make a living with it. It is not like I didn’t have a particular reason not to, there was nothing but my own walls holding me back from success. Now looking back with hindsight, it was a good thing I didn’t pursue photography in the music industry any further than I did. It wasn’t a good lifestyle for me and quitting was honestly the best choice I have ever made.

Over that next year after leaving the music industry behind, I didn’t do anything photography related and went nearly nine whole months without picking up my beloved camera. I had decided to bring it along with me on my first ever hike in the mountains. Inspiration and a new found passion sparked. HARD. Even though I struggled with taking photos that day, as I hadn’t for so long, and hadn’t taken photos of anything other than concerts for even longer. To be able to combine a new passion with an old, and open the doors for new potential was remarkable and well worth the struggle.

Thinking about my next move, bouncing around a lot of ideas, nearly starting three other businesses, I would always come back to photography. Honestly, the DAY before I had planned to make the next step with a business idea, photography crept it’s way back in. EVERY.SINGLE.TIME. It is what I love, it gets me stoked to get out and explore, to be able to see the world in a different light. It is who I am, and I don’t feel complete without a camera in my hand. So, combining my love for photography and the outdoors, I have decided that I want to pursue adventure, sports and landscape photography. Photographing all aspects of the outdoor industry, and anyone who is passionate about the aforementioned. I want to tell your story! Why not create a wonderful life full of adventure, love and passion, to push physical, mental and creative limits, to get out, explore and see beautiful places, to connect with stellar people, to create something truly remarkable.

This time, No f***ing maybes!

I am not going to lie – essentially starting over is absolutely terrifying, but I feel like this is my time to take a solid shot at what I truly love again. Sure, I don’t nearly have the portfolio of industry related photos right now as I did of concerts. But like anything, they will come in time. Also the thought of throwing your photography and writing out for the world to see is a little scary, but the support I have received in starting over has truly been wonderful. You are the ones who help make this journey incredible!

If you haven’t already, head on over to my ABOUT page to learn more about myself, my photography, and my journal. I am also on Instagram and Twitter!

Side note: As I am not jumping into the deep end head first and will still be working my full time 9-5 job until I gain momentum to keep afloat, I will only be available for your photography needs weeknights and weekends. (But let’s not let that stop us from creating something rad!)

Until next time, chase the stoke!
– Tracey

Chase the Stoke Mountains

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